All about all things purple

As a purple-a-holic, it is important to appreciate the pretty purple things in life....

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Hello people! So I'm very contented, I'm choc-ful (sic!) of sugar, having eaten a scrummy Chocolate Brownie Sundae from Baskin Robbins, and loads of yummy Chinese food... As those that were at dinner tonight are traumatised to discover, I also got plenty of Water Chestnuts in my sizzling veg in Black bean sauce (yes, I have a lot of weird obsessions)....

And I'm especially happy because Jit finally agreed to give me one of his birthday boy balloons at the end of dinner... (Roshni - the one who worked her booty a couple of posts ago - was willing to give me one, as the other birthday girl, which I used to bargain with). And this made me happy because it's purple with flutterbies on it... :) yup, my other weird obsession is with flutterbies (you might know them as butterflies)... I think they're very purty! So I tied it to my bag... And everyone looked at me jealously (or was it with the "stay away from that weirdo" look)....

I also successfully scared off a masi-baa in the ice-cream shop with my freshie accent impression.... So all in all, it's been a pretty successful evening...

Oooh, and big news, I got married today!!! Jeena (my girlfriend) won't be impressed.... But Roshni and I have had "a thing" for years now... And when she offered a ring on my wedding finger, I couldn't say no.... Now I have to figure out how to break the news to Jeena when she comes back from hol. And to explain away that Ro's staying overnight with me this weekend :S oh dear... Help?!?!

And I finally uncovered the mystery of the random guy who added me on Facebook and kept poking me.... It turns out he's the best buddy of the birthday boy, and I was supposed to meet him today, except he couldn't make it... Fiddlesticks! I was so looking forward to meeting this random stranger I never really knew who's been poking me for a month! :S

So anywhoo... I was browsing the net, as I do when I'm bored, which happens quite frequently, and took this quiz...

How Impulsive Are You? Apparently, I'm 75% impulsive.... It means I have an exciting life - and I find it hard to say no to all but the most insane propositions.... Are they mad?!?!?! It's the insane ones I get the most pleasure out of saying yes to!!! Hmph! These things really don't work!!!

You Are 75% Impulsive
You are impulsive, which at times leads to irresponsibility. It's hard for you to say no to all but the most insane propositions.But you could care less. While your impulsive ways have gotten you in a little trouble - they've made for a very exciting life!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Pulling Power - A "How-To..." Guide

OMG! How gutted am I?! I just typed out some whole essay, and with the press of a button it all just disappeared!! Hmph... Me and technology just don't go....

So yeah... I was saying (Not that you remember what I was talking about!)... I just had my whole tiny lil non-existant love life ripped apart, analysed, and put back together with a bit of advice from a boy's perspective.... It appears the reason most girls who are out there looking are never approached because we're too formidable and scary....

So, my top 7 list of "how to pull".... (Well, not mine, but you know what I mean, my "agony uncle's" if you will - it's apparently what I should be doing to get some action, ahem....)

1. Don't wander round the club in a pack of girls... Stick with one other (or at absolute most 2) of your bumchums.... Boys get scared of approaching a pack of strange girls... I must agree there... We can get pretty harsh... Is it wrong that we've pointed and laughed at guys before - it's hard to resist when you see the typical Asian rude boy walk past - you know, with the spiky hair, the earring, the peg-leg walk/chicken bop, the Moschino pyjamas, with "seen" and "innit" literally pouring out of them (I see you laughing because you know what I mean!!)

2. Smile a lot... I never stop smiling, but sometimes, it becomes a giggle or a laugh, at them, not to them! Oops! (Remember #1. and you would too)

3. Make eye contact - See now, it's only ever the idiots that keep staring at you... The nice guys keep their eyes to themselves, and chill with the boys.... Our thought as girls has always been that the type of guy who tries it on with girls in clubs isn't the type of guy you could ever get serious with, because he'll always be looking for that type of action... Though there are always exceptions to the rule....

4. Move around the club - you become more accessible... Accessible? Like wtf, are we disabled toilets? Okay, fair enough, don't stay in your little corner (or circle - see 5. lol), but it works both ways, let the guy do some chasing! And I can't see how wandering around will do anything for you other than make guys think you're almost waiting for someone to hit on you, i.e. filled with desperation....

5. Dance with other guys, not in a circle with your girlies.... This one cracked me up! Because it's so truuuue! All the Asian girls dance in a lil circle (with the purses in the middle if the floor is clean), and (I must admit, I've done this) use the circle as a barrier to push out unwanted guys, with a full 360 vision so the girl opposite can keep an eye behind you for the idiot that tries to dance with you without you even knowing they're there! (Yup, you know you've seen it done!) But then apparently, the nice guy that likes you is pushed away by the "circle of trust", so this is a big don't. Ooh, and if you're with guys it makes you seem more approachable, so he says.

6. Don't be shy, it can come across as arrogance. See now this isn't just in guys' imagination.... I mean, I'm not arrogant (or I'd like to think I'm not, and no offence to any of my friends, who I don't think are either), but you can see who the arrogant ones are in a club... And yeah, they're pretty, so yeah, guys go up to them, but they have loads of attitude! And then the guy gets rebuffed and assumes all girls are b*tches.... But why do the guys always pick out the most up-herself girl in the club? Surely there's a limit to how much confidence is attractive?

7. Don't be fooled by the rude boy look... It doesn't necessarily make a guy an idiot... Apparently, most of them are idiots (reassuring!), but the odd specimen here or there is actually decent. Apparently, the guy has no choice or he'd stand out too much at "Asian Invasion"-type nights.... For all you know, he's a complete geek normally! (says the boy buddy with the advice - I'm not so sure about this one).

So, fascinating as this was, I think I'm gonna stick with my nights in, curled up with a good book and a hot water bottle or something.... But hope this brings you luck next time you're out! And while I laughed at him, there are some good points here, so don't mind my 2 cents (I'm planning on ending up old, bitter and alone except for my cats, lol!).

Good night, and fare thee well.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Ooh, naughty!!

I had my toes licked last night.... I kept pushing him away, and it really tickled and felt weird..... But he just wouldn't stopped and kept doing it!

Have I gone mad, I hear you ask? Lol, probably not as mad as you think.... I was at afore-mentioned friend's house for a girls' night in.... And she has this mega-cute little doggie, Lucky.... And he kept running around, licking our toes, and jumping on us.... I think he might've stolen some of our sugary cakey desserts.... Who can blame him, they were scrumplicious!!! :) *licks lips at mere thought*

So we had chick flicks (Save the Last Dance); yummy pizza (dripping in chilly sauce and onions, quite the Indian way!), and a side of dessert..... Profiterole cake, Bailey's cake (positively wicked!), and the sugar kept me up 'til 3am - long after I made it back home in one piece (Just about!!! - never EVER overtake a slow Tesco delivery lorry in the face of oncoming traffic).....

Oh, and we also had a performance from the delectable Roshni.... And we loved the booty-shaking Ro! She was very much upset that my blog had been running all this week, without a mention of her, despite my having seen her almost every day this week..... So Roshni, much love, as always.... :)

And we didn't quite get around to the nail-painting and hair-styling, but one must leave something to look forward to next time! Am I too much of a girlie girl...? I think not :) Life is full of little pleasures such as pampering yourself, and I guess if you don't stop to get your nails done, you'll reach the other end far too quick, and with really bad nails.... (That was supposed to be something deep and insightful, like my own take of stopping to smell the roses, but kind of took on a life of its own..... Ho well...)

Lol, so anywhoo's, I'm off bathroom tile shopping!!! Life is full of little pleasures, non...? Au revoir!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Purple-bashing and other woes of the world....

I'm horrified! There's something really wrong with the world.... Would you believe there are people out there who spoil the good name and reputation of purple?!?! Lol... So following my last purple-praising post, the following article was brought to my attention.
  • I Hate Purple

  • And then I actually looked at the article, and realised this poor misguided soul doesn't actually hate purple.... (Big sigh of relief, I didn't think anyone could possibly hate it!) He just used the bold statement to get attention.... So I call that a charge of wrongfully inciting hate against purple.... Lol, but he did use the poem in my last blog....

    So I'm going to the gym today.... There's something really depressing about the idea of a gym. It's like an exercise factory.... Every time you go, there's always at least one fitness fanatic who's running on the treadmill for what seems like the full length of your visit.... And they always make you feel super-unfit when you end on the only free machine right next to them and start gasping for breath within a minute of starting....

    And I'm not getting any healthier either... But that might be because all the chocolate I eat negates my best efforts.... Don't you hate all those people who eat as much as they want whenever they want (yup, it seems like they actually NEVER stop eating!!) and don't even put on an ounce of weight! Hmph...

    But on the bright side, I'm gonna have a night in with the girls tonight, and we're gonna pig out on loads of disgustly sweet unhealthy stuff that I might feel really bad about tomorrow :) Yum! My friend ordered desserts for her now-cancelled BBQ, and needs help with their removal! :) And I'm really REALLY craving some candy floss.... Anybody wanna go to the funfair...?

    Som fun food quotes...


    "It's important to watch what you eat. Otherwise, how are you going to get in into your mouth?" - Matt Diamond

    Can it be a mistake that "STRESSED" is "DESSERTS" spelled backwards?

    A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand

    I'm on a seafood diet... When I see food, I eat it.

    I could quit eating chocolate, I just don't want people to think I'm a quitter...

    Friday, August 25, 2006

    Wow!!! So much purple!!!

    As I sat there today, staring into space, contemplating the meaning of life, and other such thought-provoking issues, it occurred to me that the answer was staring me in the face.... It's all about the colour purple!!! (No, not the book - the actual colour....)

    And then I recalled this amazing website that I had come across a while back, introduced by a friend.... You won't believe it, but when I first came across this site, I started jumping and screaming and clapping and "hooray"-ing with excitement, it really is a dream come true for someone as obsessed as me.... What is this fabulous creation, you ask? It is:

    Every single thing on this website is purple... Put simply, whatever your purple desire, whatever you wants, you gets! The possibilities are limitless!!! For example, you've just bought a new pair of trainers... And you can't possibly wear them, because there's no purple on them.... So you hop on over to your computer, visit and buy some purple shoelaces!!!

    Or your purple-mad friend's birthday is coming up, and you have no idea what to get her..... (Ahem, no subtle hints here! Honest!!!!) so you visit the site, and come up with something purple that she may not have.... Like some pretty jewellry :) Lol, but seriously, this site has everything from purple windchimes, to purple shoeboxes, to purple whistles, to PURPLE WHEELCHAIR BAGS... (No joke!!!)

    So for those of you that know me well enough to see how psycho I go over pretty purple things, you can understand how cool I think this site is!!! Now my only issue is that I have to move to America to order some of the stuff from it.... Yup, delivery goes mainly to US zip codes :( How disappointing?!?!?! (Well, some, but not all products can be sent to the UK)

    So anyways, I was exploring the site, and found this:

    "Meeting a Need, Building A Community
    Purple is a lifestyle. Finally here's an answer for those who have cried for something to come in purple, to be able to buy "just the purple one" in a set.
    By shopping here you give us the buying power and clout to get manufacturers to make items in purple, make things just in purple, and package them so you don't need to buy seven pens you don't want to get the purple one.
    The Purple Store is here to meet your purple needs."

    So they don't make it sound wrong that I have actually done this! You know, bought the 8-pack of multi-coloured pens just for the purple one.... Or bought a pack of 10 hair scrunchies and kept only the purple one...

    But this has to be the product I most want from the website:

    The ring with diamonds and amethysts was extremely tempting, but in the end, I couldn't resist this, the product that would remind the world that I own purple :)

    I shall leave with a cute poem... Which, btw, I think I do a lot of this stuff already, so I won't be surprising anyone when I get old.... (Maybe not the sausage-eating, but hey!)

    WARNING - by Jenny Joseph

    When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
    With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
    And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
    And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
    I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
    And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
    And run my stick along the public railings
    And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
    I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
    And pick the flowers in other people's gardens
    And learn to spit.

    You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
    And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
    Or only bread and pickle for a week
    And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

    But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
    And pay our rent and not swear in the street
    And set a good example for the children.
    We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

    But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
    So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
    When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple

    Thursday, August 24, 2006

    99 Green Bottles!!!

    So you know how it goes when you have a song randomly pop into your head, and you dunno what to do to get rid of it, so you sing it some more, in the hope it'll vacate the premises.....

    Well, it's just gone midnight, and the rest of the premises have been vacated, but the song remains.... What to do? :S

    And which song is this? (I just might change colour away from purple in honour of the original version - this is the drunken student remix)

    94 bottles of beer on a wall, 94 bottles of beer! Take one down, and pass it around..... So there's 93 bottles of beer on the wall!

    93 bottles of beer on a wall, 93 bottles of beer! Take one down, and pass it around..... So there's 92 bottles of beer on the wall!

    92 bottles of beer on a wall, 92 bottles of beer! Take one down, and pass it around..... So there's 91 bottles of beer on the wall!

    91 bottles of beer on a wall, 91 bottles of beer! Take one down, and pass it around..... So there's 90 bottles of beer on the wall!

    90 bottles of beer on a wall, 90 bottles of beer! Take one down, and pass it around..... So there's 89 bottles of beer on the wall!

    89 bottles of beer on a wall, 89 bottles of beer! Take one down, and pass it around..... So there's 88 bottles of beer on the wall!

    88 bottles of beer on a wall, 88 bottles of beer! Take one down, and pass it around..... So there's 87 bottles of beer on the wall!

    And, well, you get the picture....

    So the weird thing is: I don't like beer; I don't drink beer; yet here I am singing this song (starting with 94 no less - like what happened to the first 906 anyways?!?!). And I should warn you, when I sing, it's rarely (if ever) in tune.... Oh dear.

    Hmmm, now where did those bottles of Sambucca go....? *runs off to search*

    Wednesday, August 23, 2006

    Mmmm, Peri-Peri

    Wow! I feel much like an addict who just got their latest dosage.... I finally got my Nando's hit - and not soon enough either! I was about to go mental (if I'm not already!!!).... So Nando's is supercool....

    You remember when you were a little kid? And if you were a boy you'd make paper aeroplanes and then run around the playground seeing how far you could get yours to fly? And then if it didn't go far enough you'd break the other boys...?

    Well if you were a girl, you'd make those chatterbox things out of a square piece of paper.... You know, it has four choices on top (usually colour) then numbers inside, and you'd make the "mouth move" then you'd open up the inside, and it would say things like "stand on a chair and sing a Spice Girls song" Lol! So Nando's have their own "How to be Portuguese" one..... I found it like a month ago, and wouldn't stop squealing about it to EVERYONE!!!

    Well today, I found a dice!!!! Now I have a Portuguese nutrition dice to play Nando's games with!!! As if the food wasn't good enough, they actually help with my lifetime ambition of being a kid forever!!! Woo HOO!! :D

    So, within the A to Z of Nando's PERi-PERi:

    G - G Spot – Rumour has it there is also a G spot in our taste buds and PERi-PERi hits it every time

    O - Ooohhhhh! (See G)

    Y - Yes Yes Yes Yes – The more you have the more you’ll want (See O and G)

    [-Source - Nando's website..... (All great things come from Nando's!!!) ]

    I think I'm beginning to understand why I love it so much!

    Woo Hooo!!! My first post....

    So.... My attempt to blog.... Why?!?! Well I figure I'm so bad at keeping in touch with everyone, it's an easy way to spread my madness to lotsa people in one go....
    And hence an easy way to let people know that I own purple.... Which by the way, is not getting off to a good start.... The closest they have to a purple profile on this thing is this pinky rose one.... I shall fix that... All in good time!

    So this whole spreading the purple message to the world is quite a challenge... I began today.... I have this funky lil purple dinosaur on a little springy thing (from my old car for those that remember seeing it wiggle its booty before) which is now sitting on my car dashboard... And it bounces as I drive, so I have company when I'm dancing to my music in my car.... I do that a lot.... Especially on my own.... Might be why other drivers look at me funny.... :S

    Anyways, it's getting late... And I'm going to Nando's tomorrow (been craving it for AGES!!!!)... So I should get some sleep or I won't be up in time... Wouldn't want to miss it... I'm a Peri-peri-holic too. And I haven't had a peri-hit in a couple of weeks. I'll leave with a little titbit I picked up off the Nando's website (yup, I even visited the site!)... Maybe that's the sleep deprivation talking, but it made me giggle....

    "The settlers immediately exPERi-PERimented with PERi-PERi in their cooking and because much of life revolved around food, PERi-PERi became an integral part of their lives. The women were also delighted with the effect that PERi-PERi had on their men; they were amazed that something so small could be so satisfying."
    -Nando's website