All about all things purple

As a purple-a-holic, it is important to appreciate the pretty purple things in life....

Monday, October 09, 2006

Tut tut... Shame on me!

I feel absolutely awful!!! It's been so long since I posted! So I better bring you all up to speed with what's going on.....

Well, first of all, back at uni, and back in halls, living it up (pretending - but not succeeding - to be a Fresher).... Which means I can wake up at 8:45, and make it to my 9 o'clocks, showered and all! (Very handy seeing as I can't function on little sleep like Freshers as I did back in the day!)... It means I get FT's for 20p.... It means I can go down to the bar any time of day and night, and still find people awake to play free pool with! (Of which I'm very proud, because I keep beating all the boys, who then throw hissy/stroppy fits!!! HAHA!!!). And best of all, it means when I can't sleep at 4:30am, I can do productive things like type up my blog, rather than pretend to be asleep as I would at home!

Another mega-plus point is that I got this very VERY funky poster, entitled "We all know boys are stupid... These are just a few reasons why." See below for extracts! :D I also bought some sexy sexy boots... Yayyyy! Don't you just feel so much sexier dressed up in some yummy boots as opposed to grotty trainers....? Life is good! Apart from the brokeness :S Hmmm, which pushes me to the issue of job-hunting, it takes SOOO much time!

And finally, I've done three homeworks already! Talk about organised! Gooo meeee!! *starts Chandler-dancing then realises everyone knows I'm Chandler-dancing and gets embarrassed and sits and continues typing...*

So of course all my other activities continue on in the background - wedding planning (no, not mine, my bro's!); moving/decorating new house (purple, of course! Well, my room anyways...); selling the old one; etc etc..... And all this activity has completely messed up my sleeping pattern - I find myself up half the night unable to sleep..... But it's late, so I better try.....

I'll finish, as always, with quirky quotes that get me through the day!

"It doth sucketh!" - For Ro, as this week's phrase of the week

"Boys are great. Every girl should own one." - Old magnet I found when redecorating my halls room....

"Boys are stupider... Send them to Jupiter." - aforementioned funky poster

"Boys eat boogers when nobody's watching."

And finally, "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them!"

PS. You can get almost anything you want in this brand.... Check out for a range of apparel publicising the stupidity of boys that includes t-shirts, mugs, blindfolds, hats, stationery, and much MUCH more! :)

Sweet dreams!


  • At 10:38 am, Blogger waz said…

    hey an update! score! was wondering what you were upto, catching you on msn has been a bit difficult. was thinking i might have to resort to email, which would have been a sore shock to my system!

    dont worry, the chandler dance is cool (well, lets just say its not that uncool), you should see my i won an argument dance (ever seen scrubs?)


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