All about all things purple

As a purple-a-holic, it is important to appreciate the pretty purple things in life....

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Vegetarianism rocks.....

I found this article just now. And I got so excited I had to come put a link up. Okay, so I have a friend who is OBSESSED with BBC news. Every little while I used to wander past his blog, and there'd be an article up about the weird and wonderful articles he'd find, but he's never mentioned this one to me, and it's really old! It's funny how these things stick around in the most popular links - people see them and their interesting titles, keep clicking them, and the cycle makes them remain the most popular article perpetually. Like the Sudanese goat article. That's been passed around beyond belief. What's that? You haven't seen it? Okay, well the gist of it is....

A man wakes up in the middle of the night. He wanders out to see what's going on, and there's some random guy doing "things" to his goat. I mean, bestiality is not most people's thing, right? No, don't look at me like that. I'm not into that. Just because I bite... 8-) So he ties up the man. Brings him before the village's counsel of elders. They essentially dictate the laws. They decreed that since the man had had experiences with the goat that one ordinarily would with one's wife, he had to pay a dowry. And get married to the goat. No joke. Really.

But anyways..... This one in question is about how I'm clever for not eating meat. Lol. Apparently vegetarians are more intelligent and live longer than non-veg. Live longer? Duh. Most meats are chockful of "bad" cholesterol [the unsaturated types]. Shame it doesn't make us pretty too! I got told last week that all the pretty people are non-veg people.

Meh. Two outta three ain't bad. Have a nice day!

  • BBC News - vegetarianism

  • PS.... Just in case you still didn't believe me about the goat! Lol! [First link originally written in Feb 2004]

    PPS. Lol. I just searched BBC for the link. It's such a phenomenon. In May 2007, Rose, Sudan's married goat, passed away. My condolences to her widower, and all who will miss her.


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