All about all things purple

As a purple-a-holic, it is important to appreciate the pretty purple things in life....

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Beautiful! *sighs*

Today I am expressing wonderment at all that is. It occurred to me today, mid-revision. Well, mid-supposed revision - the reality was closer to procrastination. The world is so much bigger than anything we know. Regardless of our woes; our joys and successes; and even our very existence, the world is relatively indifferent. Clocks keep ticking. People carry on about their insignificant lives. The sun continues to rise and set. Eventually we all will die. Even those who achieve a celebrity status. The kind of status that means they're remembered after their death - their existence has been recorded by civilisation as a whole. Like Shakespeare, or Caesar. In all likelihood, there will come a day when not a single person on this planet - not a single atom in the cosmos - is aware they existed.

So what then, is the purpose of life? Given that on our death, we can no longer experience life, and will henceforth eventually be forgotten? See, here's the thing... I don't actually have a clue. Maybe I'll save that for another day. This started out as an expression of amazement at the size of the universe; the efficiency through which it runs; and the beauties which it creates. The beautiful views of sunsets/sunrises; the ocean on a clear summer's day - indeed, the ocean on a miserable stormy day too! The tiniest little ant in itself is a wonder, there are so many rare species of whose existence we are even entirely unaware of! The list therefore, is endless.

Whenever it all gets a bit much, I know I can retreat to thinking of any one of these wonders, which will put my worries into perspective - nothing makes an impending deadline seem so trivial as the thought of miles and miles of the sea, whose waves will continue to rise and fall whether or not you write 4000 words, or 6000. The soothing sound of waves crashing on the shoreline. The deep blue translucent vision stretching as far as the eye can see, until it meets the bright sky at the horizon. Beautiful, no?

So that's my tuppence for the day. Appreciate. Savour. Make the most of every experience. Take a moment to ponder the beauty of natural creation. Stop to enjoy the beautiful view from the train window as you're squashed like a sardine in a carriage. Or to smell a rose as you stroll past a bush, instead of rushing to push rudely past everyone else on the road. Think about the miracle behind a fly's tiny little wings, instead of aimlessly swatting to cause its extermination when you hear a buzzing sound. Dream of lying on a beach on a hot summer's day as you fall asleep instead of worrying about how busy you'll be tomorrow.... Doesn't life already seem that little bit sweeter? :o)



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