All about all things purple

As a purple-a-holic, it is important to appreciate the pretty purple things in life....

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Woo Hooo!!! My first post....

So.... My attempt to blog.... Why?!?! Well I figure I'm so bad at keeping in touch with everyone, it's an easy way to spread my madness to lotsa people in one go....
And hence an easy way to let people know that I own purple.... Which by the way, is not getting off to a good start.... The closest they have to a purple profile on this thing is this pinky rose one.... I shall fix that... All in good time!

So this whole spreading the purple message to the world is quite a challenge... I began today.... I have this funky lil purple dinosaur on a little springy thing (from my old car for those that remember seeing it wiggle its booty before) which is now sitting on my car dashboard... And it bounces as I drive, so I have company when I'm dancing to my music in my car.... I do that a lot.... Especially on my own.... Might be why other drivers look at me funny.... :S

Anyways, it's getting late... And I'm going to Nando's tomorrow (been craving it for AGES!!!!)... So I should get some sleep or I won't be up in time... Wouldn't want to miss it... I'm a Peri-peri-holic too. And I haven't had a peri-hit in a couple of weeks. I'll leave with a little titbit I picked up off the Nando's website (yup, I even visited the site!)... Maybe that's the sleep deprivation talking, but it made me giggle....

"The settlers immediately exPERi-PERimented with PERi-PERi in their cooking and because much of life revolved around food, PERi-PERi became an integral part of their lives. The women were also delighted with the effect that PERi-PERi had on their men; they were amazed that something so small could be so satisfying."
-Nando's website


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