All about all things purple

As a purple-a-holic, it is important to appreciate the pretty purple things in life....

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Well hello there faithful blog readers....

I am very sad.... Well, not really, but this is an "Adieu" message, so I feel I ought to be! Lol, don't worry (or be too thankful :P ), I'm not going forever! Just off to India for a couple of weeks, which means my blog posts will be less frequent.... And yes, I'm not sad because I'm really REALLY excited!!! I'm basically gonna be shopping non-stop!!! What a dream come true! Especially since lately my shopaholic urges (I really have a lot of -holic addictions! Hmmm...) have been resurfacing, and it's all I can do to force them way back down til I get to India!

So miss me lots and lots while I'm away, for when I return I shall be forever changed.... Yup, I am getting old! I'll be 22, and am very excited about my birthday! But only because birthdays are happy times where you can eat cake without the guilt, and that cheeky smile that's giving away all the mischief you get up to is ignored for the day! And of course, who could forget the presents!!! I'm registered at Tiffany's for all you generous souls out there (HAHA, if only! - Not the generous bit, I'm sure you all are, but the registered bit....).

The age bit on the other hand is very saddening, because though I'm readily the first to admit my mental age of 5, all my i.d. suggests I'm well past the "entering adulthood" era of 18-21, and approaching "the mid-20's" era.... Subtle psychological differences, but very much felt nonetheless.... :(

So.... Think happy thoughts! As a very wise young lady once said, "Age ain't nothin' but a number"....

"We don't stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing"... So let's all play some more! Monopoly anyone...? - Shamelessly plagiarised from Waz's blog

"Live every day as if it were your last.... And someday, you'll be right!" How depressing!!!
"You only live once..... But if you live it right, once is enough!"

"Time passing you by is only a matter of mind... Hence.... If you don't mind, it doesn't matter"

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." - James Dean

"We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot more information in our heads." -Vlade Divac, NBA basketball player

P.S. Uber sorry for any traumatising thoughts the last blog might have induced....


  • At 12:29 pm, Blogger waz said…

    and people dared say that shopping wasnt a real form of exercise, bet you could show them eh.


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